The Roux Pirates happen to be one of the most powerful pirate crews in the New World. As its name suggests, it is headed by one of the Four Emperors, Captain Shanks the Roux . The latter with his crew was the previous holder of Luffy's Straw Hat 👒 before he entrusted it to him after refusing to recruit him. He was also in possession of the Devil Fruit Gomu Gomu no Mi before Luffy accidentally ate it. Note that it was Red Shanks and his crew who inspired Monkey D. Luffy to become a powerful pirate.
Members of the Roux Pirates

In total, the Équipage du Roux has around thirty members, of whom we know exactly five. They are Shanks, Ben Beckman, Lucky Roux, Yasopp and Rockstar.

As previously stated, Red Shanks is the captain of this crew. His great fame comes from the fact that he is one of the Four Yonko who dominate the New World. 🌍 Before leading his own crew, Shanks was a cabin boy with Gol D. Roger, the late Pirate King and captain of the Roger Pirates . When he was young, he used two sabers for his fights, but today, he only wields one sword, the name of which is Griffon. His skill in wielding a sword is equivalent to that of the Corsair Captain, Dracule Mihawk. It should also be noted that Shanks has great mastery of Observation Haki, Weaponry Haki and Kings Haki.
Ben Beckman

Second to Red Shanks, Ben Beckman is renowned not only as one of the strongest pirates in his crew, but also for his great intelligence. Indeed, according to the mangaka Eiichirō Oda at the origin of the One Piece franchise, he is the most intelligent person 🤯 in the East Blue saga, or even in the entire manga. He has a rifle that he always keeps within reach and with which he never misses his targets because he is so skilled. He uses this flintlock rifle both for shooting from afar and in close-quarters combat. Although it has not been officially revealed, it is highly likely that Ben Beckman has mastery of Weaponry Haki.
Lucky Roux

Officer of the Roux Pirates and Shanks' henchman, Lucky Roux is a large character. In addition, he has always been seen with a large piece of meat 🍗 in his hands, with the exception of a single scene in episode 316. Also never taking off his red glasses, Lucky Roux is a very smiling pirate, whatever the situation. Trustworthy, he always accompanies his captain on all occasions. With his flintlock pistol, he was the first character in the series to kill another pirate.
Yasopp (father of Usopp)

Originally from the village of Sirop just like his son Usopp, Yasopp is also one of the officers of the Roux Pirates. Although he is a man of honor, he is as boastful as his son, but his boasting is explained by his ability to shoot. Indeed, nicknamed Yasopp The Hunter , he is the crew's sniper. In addition to his flintlock pistol, he has a musket with which he is always able to hit his target even if it is more than a hundred meters away.

A recent member of the crew, Rockstar appears to be the person chosen by Captain Shanks the Redhead to be his messenger. Indeed, it was seen that the latter sent Rockstar to deliver a message to Edward Newgate aka Whitebeard . After he tore up the ticket sent by Shanks, Rockstar wanted to confront Whitebeard in order to clear his honor. It therefore appears that he is a man with a great sense of honor. With his saber ⚔️ placed at his belt, he is always ready to fight anyone who insults him.
The bounty of the Roux Pirates

According to Navy Commodore Brandnew , who is in charge of assigning bounties for capturing pirates and other criminals, the bounty for each member of the Roux Pirates is quite high. This is therefore the pirate crew whose power of its different members is the most balanced among all the crews of the Four Emperors. Shanks's is 4,048,900,000 Berrys 🤑 and the lowest is 94,000,000 Berrys and it is that of Rockstar the rookie. If you like the Mobile game, One Piece Treasure Cruise, discover the most powerful members of the Roux crew .
History of the Roux crew

To this day, we do not know how the Roux Pirates were created and we do not know much about their adventures. What we do know, however, is that ten years before Monkey D. Luffy left Fuchsia, his native village located on the island of Dawn, Shanks and his crew landed there to stay for a year. It was therefore during this period that Luffy made the decision to become a powerful Pirate. It was also during this period that Luffy accidentally ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi , which was in Shanks' possession, thinking it was a simple fruit. 🍓
It was also during this time that Shanks refused to recruit Luffy into his crew because he did not recruit children. And he entrusted the latter with the straw hat, making him promise to return it to him once he had become a great pirate. As for Luffy, he swore to him that he would one day become the new Pirate King . Let's also note the event that took place when Luffy was almost eaten by the Bay Monster and it was by sacrificing his arm 💪🏼 that Shanks was able to save him.
The Roux crew played an important role in various story arcs. This was particularly the case in the Post-Enies Lobby Arc when Shanks met Whitebeard in order to stop Portgas D. Ace in his objective of killing Marshall D. Teach aka Blackbeard. He then revealed to Whitebeard that it was Teach who caused the scars on his face and that it was in no way a surprise attack. Note that when Shanks boarded Whitebeard's boat, most of the sailors on board fell unconscious due to his Haki of Kings . Only those with strong willpower were able to resist it. At that time, the World Government feared that the two crews would form an alliance.
It was also during the Battle of Marine Ford that Shanks' role was crucial. Indeed, it was he who made it possible to end the war. Indeed, Sengoku the Admiral Commander-in-Chief of the Navy decided to stop the fighting to avoid having to face a second Emperor again while Whitebeard has already almost destroyed the island 🏝️ single-handedly. And yet, the Roux Pirates were ready to do battle with the Blackbeard Pirates. Also, during the two-year timeskip, a battle took place between Shanks' crew and Eustass Kid, which resulted in the latter losing his left arm.
After the timeskip, the members of Shanks' crew were next seen at a wedding in the mini-adventure The Docks of the World: The Five Hundred Million Man Arc in the Whole Cake Arc. We see Shanks again in the Reverie Arc when he reads the news about Luffy and arrives unexpectedly at the Holy Land of Mary Geoise to address the Council of Five Elders 👴🏼 (Five Elders) .
The flag of the Roux crew

Like every pirate crew known in One Piece, the Roux Pirates have their own Jolly Roger . 🏴☠️ One of its specificities is that the left eye of their skull is crossed by three scars as is the case for their captain. Another characteristic of this flag is that the crossed femurs behind the skull have been replaced by sabers. This choice undoubtedly refers to their captain's skills in wielding the sword.
The Red Force, the Crew Ship

When the Roux Pirates landed in Fuchsia when Luffy was still small, their ship was only seen from afar. So we can't say much about it. On the other hand, they subsequently replaced it with a new boat 🛥️ called Red Force . Similar to the previous one but larger, the Red Force is also more decorated. This can be seen in particular in the figurehead which, even if it is similar to the old one, has more details and displays a more ferocious appearance.
It should also be noted that their new ship was equipped with more sails than the old one. On the other hand, even if it is large compared to the previous one, the Red Force is much smaller than the Moby Dick, 🐳 Whitebeard's ship. As on the Vogue Merry or the Thousand Sunny , trees were planted on the Red Force. These include palm trees.
Join Shanks' Pirates

As we saw earlier in the article, Shanks and his crew had a lot to do with Luffy's decision to become a pirate, and even the next Pirate Lord . In addition, this is the only crew of an Emperor in which none of the members call upon a Devil Fruit. And yet, the Navy decided to stop the fighting at Marine Ford upon their arrival. As Emperor, 👑 Shanks and his crew were renowned and feared.
In turn, you can also crew the Roux Pirates to gain fame and be feared by others. You may have an important role to play in this crew so don't hesitate to join them. In addition, you will find several Goodies dedicated to Captain Shanks and his crew in our online store. Discover 10 surprising facts about Shanks .