Qui est le traitre de Yuei ?

Who is Yuei's traitor?

Yuei's traitor hasn't been mentioned since the bombshell regarding his existence was dropped 💣. Here are some characters who could take on this role and others who don't seem concerned !

For a while, it seemed like My Hero Academia's League of Villains was one step ahead of the heroes . The league was able to infiltrate, ambush, and force their way into locations and events at Yuei High School. Which led them to speculate about the existence of a traitor within Yuei 🎭.

Whether it's a teacher or a student of Yuei. There are serious suitors who could totally be the traitor, there are just as many who appear innocent.

10. Can't be Yuei's traitor: Present Mic

Present Mic Yuei's English teacher Present Mic was actually the first to suggest that the school might have a traitor in their midst. This has led to some speculation that Present Mic might be the traitor , being the first to sow the seeds of distrust within the school, but there's a good chance that this hero is innocent.

First of all, if he were the traitor, it wouldn't really make sense for him to bring up this idea and raise suspicion where there wasn't any before. Not to mention that Present Mic is rather boisterous and isn't really known for being quiet and sneaky. Aiming to be the center of attention isn't exactly a good quality for a spy 🦹‍♂️ .

9. Could be Yuei's traitor: Number 13

Number 13 One of the first attacks the Alliance of Villains ever launched was the invasion of the SCA and wreaked havoc on Class 1-A. Given that the SCA was a training ground designed and led by the "Space Hero", Thirteen, it is possible that the rescue-oriented hero was the traitor .

Although they took damage during the league's attack, he is rather intrigued that they knew how to infiltrate a facility that Number 13 herself knew best. Then there's the fact that little is known about Number 13, not even his appearance, which means that if it's not the real Number 13 who is the traitor, it could even be ' an imposter disguised as her 👺 .

Yuei Beanie

8. Can't be Yuei's traitor: Midnight

With the appearance of a dominatrix, it would be easy to paint Midnight as a villain simply because of her sadistic side. However, appearances can be deceiving. As a member of Yuei High School, she would have access to some information, which would help prove that Midnight is the culprit, but that's where the trail ends.

Although her sleeping quirk 😴 makes her an effective spy, it goes against her established characteristics. It would be foolish for someone who convinced Eraserhead to join the staff to be the one to betray her.

7. Could be Yuei's traitor: Vlad King

Vlad King Bloodthirsty hero and class 1-B's homeroom teacher, Vlad King tries to inspire his students to shine so they aren't completely overwhelmed by 1-A. Monoma of 1-B is usually the one who displays the most petty jealousy towards Class 1-A and, although Vlad considers them and Eraserhead to be rivals ⚔.

There's the fact that Vlad King was involved in both major alliance attacks, including when they hit the training camp that few people knew about, including Vlad. So there's a chance that Vlad King was secretly the informant for the League of Villains .

6. Can't be Yuei's traitor : Momo Yaoyorozu

Momo While Yuei's teachers 👨‍🏫 are certainly under the most pressure to be the traitor, it's possible that one of the many students is actually the league's spy. While many might speculate on how various students at the high school could be the traitor, one that absolutely could not be is Momo Yaoyorozu.

Although she is incredibly intelligent and very versatile, Momo has proven how seriously she takes being a hero and how she cares for her friends. The biggest alibi for her defense however was when she placed a tracker on one of the Nomus during the training camp attack, which led to Bakugo's rescue 💥 as well as the battle with and to the imprisonment of All For One .

5. Could being Yuei's traitor : Toru Hagakure

Toru Hagakure With a Quirk that makes his body always invisible , Toru Hagakure's greatest strength lies in his stealth abilities 🐱‍👤. This power would make her ideal for undercover missions, perhaps even as Yuei's traitor.

Since she can turn completely invisible at any time, it would be very easy for Toru to slip away from the rest of Class 1-A to gather and transmit information to the League of Villains. She could even spy on other faculty members during their meetings without even being detected. Toru's Quirk would make her the perfect spy .

4. Can't be Yuei's traitor :Izuku Midoriya

Izuku The most obvious candidate for innocence would be MHA's protagonist, Izuku Midoriya aka Deku. Given that the series has portrayed him as both the big would-be hero and the narrator 💭 , it would be incredibly shocking if it turned out that he was actually working with the bad guys the whole time... but that would make no sense.

Given that he has spent most of his life without a Quirk , there is no indication that Deku had any interactions with them prior to the events presented in the story. Along with a huge dose of disbelief to make this theory plausible, it would only destroy the message that Deku's story conveys ✨.

3. Could being Yuei's traitor : Minoru Mineta

Minoru Mineta Minoru Mineta is definitely not MHA's fan favorite character. He is often presented as a perverted little coward with a quirk not really suited to fighting who is only trying to be a hero to score points with the ladies 💁‍♀️. At first glance, there's no way this little crybaby is Yuei's traitor, unless that's the goal...

Since Yuei's traitor would have to remain hidden and unassuming, the fact that he is known for being a wimpy pervert would be good cover . Not to mention that Mineta is actually a lot smarter than most people give him credit for, and his Quirk might actually be useful for infiltration.

2. Can't be Yuei's traitor :All Might

All Might Of course, the Symbol of Peace himself, All Might, could never be the traitor . This kind of interpretation would have too many inconsistencies and contradictions in the main line of the story.

Since much of the Alliance's plans hinge on All Might's death, or simply taking him out of the game, it wouldn't make sense for him to work with them. All Might lost the last embers of One For All and the sudden retirement was conveniently chosen, but this does not imply that he can work with the alliance. The goals of the league have always been to destroy what All Might had built .

My Hero Academia Katsuki Shoto Shoe

1. Could being Yuei's traitor :Principal Nezu

Principal Nezu Since the Alliance of Villains has such a clear idea of ​​locations that should only be known to Yuei staff, it casts a cloud of suspicion over almost the entire school staff. Despite this, there would be certain information that not all teachers know... unless it is the school principal .

The seemingly kind Director Nezu may seem like a sweet and cuddly little animal, but he has a hidden sadistic side 🩸 . Due to his experiments on humans, Nezu always resents them and also enjoys playing with them. Considering this, his position at school, and a Quirk that grants him high intelligence, there's a chance that Nezu could have been the traitor all along.

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Pour moi mineta est l’imposteur et même si c’est pas lui je veut qu’il parte de l’anime (ce sale pervert 😑)


Et bah vous vous étiez tous trompés 😂 C’est Aoyama le traître, pourquoi ? Déjà c’est les scans qui l’ont révélé xD Et surtout je le soupçonnais depuis pas mal de temps…
1- Mon première argument : Quand il a écrit avec des bouts de fromage sous la fenêtre de Izuku “je sais tout”, il était en train de l’espionner (personnellement j’ai flipper à ce moment 😅)
2- C’est très futile mais il nous regardait toujours (ses yeux sont toujours en direction de la caméra) J’ai remarqué avec un edit TikTok…
3- Aoyama a dit que son alter n’était pas adapté à son corps, comme Izuku. Sachant que l’alter d’Izuku ne venait pas de lui, on pouvait se douter qu’il l’avait reçu… Et par élimination, il ne pouvait y a avoir que AFO qui aurait pu lui passer un pouvoir pour le soumettre.
4- Pendant le passage du permis provisoire, il a dit vouloir ressembler au reste de sa classe, bien sûr ça peut être interprété de différentes façon même au début j’avais pas fait le rapprochement.
Bien sûr maintenant on doit tous être au courant de cette triste réalité, mais ça m’a fait beaucoup de peine que tout le monde soupçonne Toru :’(


Personnellement je pense que Momo pour être la traite car on ne sait aucune information sur elle à part qu’elle soit super intelligente et très riche, sachant que c’est elle qui a conseiller la classe pour aller faire du shopping avant le départ du camp d’été et qui c’est qui a croisé au centre commercial shigaraki c’est Deku. En plus au camp d’été quand elle a placé un traceur sur bakugo elle aurait très pût mettre un traceur sur le bus pour indiquer l’itinéraire du voyage


Et si le traitre ne savait tout simplement pas que c’est lui ?
Bizarre vous allez dire mais avec tous les alter existant, il y a peut-être un super vilain qui manipule d’une manière ou d’une autre l’un des profs ou le proviseur. Ou un super vilain qui peut voir et/ou entendre ce qu’une autre personne voit/entend.
Il y a tellement de possibilités que nous devons juste attendre et voir ^^ (et profiter de cette attente pour imaginer plein de scénario possible xD)


Personnellement je pense que c toru après je n’ai pas de preuve mais tout les téorie sur elle me fond dire que c elle mais sinon j’ai flipper parce je ne m’attendais pas à voir la tronche de mineta

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