One Piece follows the story of Monkey D. Luffy , a young man who has only one dream: to find the legendary treasure known as One Piece and become the Pirate King. Alongside a crew of trusted friends, Luffy sails the dangerous seas of the Grand Line to find Laugh Tale , the hidden island containing the One Piece. During his journey, Luffy faces many dangerous enemies, including other pirates who want to conquer the seas, and the navy who wants to purge the world of the pirate threat.
One Piece Flag
Do you want to become a sailor and a fearsome pirate as part of a One Piece crew ? Manga Zone will be able to guide you so that you find your direction! Your love for this Japanese manga can finally be honored and shared on a daily basis through a decoration fueled by a skull flag . Your room will transform into the animated waters of One Piece so that your bed becomes a warship ready to face anyone who gets in the way of your journey to the great treasure.
One Piece Ace Flag
A flaming skull within a black flag ! Portgas D. Ace, born Gol D. Ace is the biological son of Gol D. Roger and Portgas D. Rouge, and the adopted grandson of Monkey D. Garp, and the adopted brother of Luffy and Sabo. Ace always wanted to be a pirate, so at the age of 17 he took to the sea to fulfill his dreams. Somewhere along his journey, Ace met Jinbei, one of the Shichibukai of the time. They both fought an epic battle that ended in collapse.
One Piece Crew Flag
All the major crews in this anime have their own flags, so it is a unique and very important element for pirates who sail the seas. The captain is mainly the one who invents the appearance of his flag, in order to represent a state of mind or colors worthy of his captain . This is why, for example, the flag of Luffy's crew features a straw hat on a skull!
It is indeed a true symbol and spirit of camaraderie for sailors, the flag is the emblem that unites them and encourages them to face the adventures of the seas. They climb to the top of the masts of their ships so that they can be seen for miles by other ships . This way, the enemy knows who they are dealing with, and can choose fight or flight if the flag's characteristics are too intimidating.
One Piece Luffy Flag
Luffy's flag is certainly the most famous in One Piece, it is that of the Straw Hat crew, whose captain is none other than the main character of the anime, Monkey D. Luffy. Alongside Zoro, Nami, Jinbe, Sanji and Brook, Luffy sets off in search of the One Piece treasure, the legendary loot, and thus become the greatest pirate.
Monkey D. Luffy is a pirate and the main protagonist of the One Piece anime and manga. He is the son of the revolutionary army's commander, Monkey D. Dragon . His lifelong goal is to become the Pirate King by finding the legendary treasure left by the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. He believes that being the Pirate King means you have the most freedom in the world. Luffy has a worldwide reputation for causing trouble, even among the Shichibukai , the Marines, as well as for carrying out actions deemed threatening by the World Government.
One Piece Flag Decoration
Pay homage to your favorite Japanese manga with a beautiful One Piece flag . In our collection, you will inevitably find a design or crew emblem that you like, from the Straw Hat flag to the Shanks flag and the One Piece Ace flag, you will have plenty to choose from! Ideal for adding a touch of piracy to the interior decor of your bedroom, office or living room.
So, by placing it above your bed, you can imagine yourself as being on a pirate ship conquering new lands to find the “ One Piece ” treasure. Our One Piece flags are robustly designed to withstand the elements and flutter proudly in the wind if you decide to place it outdoors to show the world which crew you are part of. HD printing gives them rich, brilliant colors that look great. Made of 100% polyester material and available in large format for printing other Otakus than you!
Hang a One Piece Flag in your favorite room
What type of pirate are you? Let it be known by donning your walls with a pirate flag. Manga Zone offers different flags with different designs, Luffy's head with his hat or more traditional flags with a skull representing the crew in question. You can also view our collection of One Piece Posters .